Dear Friends and Fans of Spinning Meals,
We are sad to officially announce that the Spinning Meals meal planner app will not be upgraded, as is now required for compatibility with Apple’s iOS 11 and above. As a result, any devices you upgrade to iOS 11+ will no longer run the app. The app should continue to run in lower versions of the Apple operating system, so if you wish to continue using the app, please avoid upgrading your operating system higher than version 10, if possible. Thank you so much for your support over the years, for your enthusiasm for our product, and for your always-thoughtful feedback. It has been a privilege to serve you and to be able to play a role in helping well-planned food grace your tables. We wish you all the best.
Ryan and the Spinning Meals team
Further background: Apple’s iOS 11 removes support for 32-bit apps. Apple has done a great job letting us know for some time that this has been coming, yet it is still a great disappointment to us that a well-functioning app will now become unavailable to anyone running iOS 11 or higher. We, and many other developers, have made the determination that there is not sufficient benefit to upgrading our app. While upgrading may seem like a simple process, there is quite a bit of work entailed; the underlying technologies have changed a fair amount over the years, and publishing a 64-bit version brings along a host of bug fixes and other refactoring. Unfortunately app sales have not provided sufficient funds to warrant that level of further investment. For anyone who has recently purchased the app we are happy to provide instructions to request a refund from Apple, so please contact us if interested. We thank you again for your support over the years. To your health!